the self development podcast

The Self-Development Podcast with Dr. Venga Kalachulu

Hundreds of episodes covering productivity, self-organisation, happiness, goal-setting and much more


The Self-Development Podcast with Dr. Venga Kalachulu

In this edition of time management with the Good Doctor Dr, Venga, the topic is personal skills and effectiveness 101. Sometimes, no matter how hard you work, work still does not get done. The work that you put in during 12 hours, can at times be done in just 5, when you understand how to […]
“There are 3 groups of people - Those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened. You should be part of the first group, because there is the least competition there.” The power of words. Those who master communication and the ability to move people with their words […]
What does planning mean? Is it knowing what you’re going to do today, this week, or even this month Like all principles of life, there’s often a simple formula to incorporate this into your life. The phenomena of culture and traditions exert an unseen dynamic on these habits, marking the difference between how we plan […]
Self-motivation is a constant struggle for most people, and the word itself holds a large weight. While this is so commonly spoken about, many don’t understand how to wield it to keep themselves on the right track consistently. With the structure of the 21st century, it’s easy to be swayed by short-term bursts of motivation […]
Habits are the basis of the lifestyles that we lead, shaping our behaviour and outcomes. What are good habits, and how are they made? What is their impact on the successes and failures of your life? Till recently, we as a species did not even comprehend the science behind this topic. Dr. Venga explores this […]
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