the self development podcast

The Self-Development Podcast with Dr. Venga Kalachulu

Hundreds of episodes covering productivity, self-organisation, happiness, goal-setting and much more


The Self-Development Podcast with Dr. Venga Kalachulu

Stress has become such a common part of the 21st century lifestyle that we all have learnt to live with it like any other emotion. Whether it be at school, work or your social life, many events can lead to experiencing stress. Despite the common notion, it is actually a spectrum rather than a static […]
Stress has become such a common part of the 21st century lifestyle that we all have learnt to live with it like any other emotion. Whether it be at school, work or your social life, many events can lead to experiencing stress. Despite the common notion, it is actually a spectrum rather than a static […]
This word has gotten a lot of attention lately, especially since the pandemic and rise of mental health activism across the world. We understand the practice on a surface level, often overlooking the connection it has on other habits of ours. It does not look the same to everyone. For some, it means something subconscious, […]
In another 2-part episode, the intricacies of being able to communicate your thoughts, ideas and feelings in a constructive manner are talked about. Possessing such a skill paves the way for personal and work related success and avoiding interpersonal conflict which lead to unnecessary stress and unwanted miscommunication. Delving into this complicated subject sheds light […]
In another 2-part episode, the intricacies of being able to communicate your thoughts, ideas and feelings in a constructive manner are talked about. Possessing such a skill paves the way for personal and work related success and avoiding interpersonal conflict which lead to unnecessary stress and unwanted miscommunication. Delving into this complicated subject sheds light […]
Talking about interdependence and trust, Dr. Venga joins our host to talk about the power they can provide a person. Both topics are explained thoroughly, and their misconceptions are cleared. Is interdependence the same as codependence? How do I tell the difference? The core of control that you hold plays a role in the way […]
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